Meet the Team: Marketing
Left to Right: Dave (In-House Designer), Liv (Marketing Executive), Tom (Head of Digital), Henry (Communications Assistant), Annie (Senior Communications Executive) & Ritish (Business Analyst)
Tell us about your role at Kuflink
Tom, Head of Digital: I’m responsible for managing the team and developing strategies across all our marketing activity – I support and motivate everyone however I can.
Liv, Marketing Executive: I put the stands and materials together for our trade shows and exhibitions throughout the year, as well as preparing all new investments and uploading them to the platform.
Dave, In-House Designer: I produce our graphics, which are part of almost everything we do – digital advertising, print advertising and web design mostly.
Ritish, Business Analyst: I’m primarily a Business Analyst, monitoring our activities, but I also run some of our digital accounts such as Google and Bing.
Annie, Senior Communications Executive: My role is pretty varied as I work across PR and marketing – I write material for our investors and for industry publications.
Henry, Communications Assistant: I work closely with Annie to create lots of different written content, from press releases to blogs and emails.
What is a typical day in the marketing department?
Tom: There is no typical day in the marketing department! It’s such a fast-paced environment, one day we could be working on a TV ad and the next we’ll be writing a report on trends in the property market.
Liv: I’m usually busy making sure all our new investments are ready to go, which involves speaking to all the different teams and getting everything reviewed.
Annie: The industry is constantly changing, so our marketing reflects that. We keep on top of all the latest news and pass that knowledge on to investors. For example, when buy-to-let regulation changed, we stopped what we were doing and put a blog together on that topic.
What is your favourite project you have worked on at Kuflink?
Tom: We’re going to be launching a brand-new website soon, which has been a great chance to fine-tune our branding and hopefully reach more investors than ever.
Dave: As a designer, seeing my work as the finished article is always great, particularly if it’s for something a lot of people will see like our tv ad.
Liv: For one of our exhibitions last year, our stand was a fully stocked pub! It was great fun meeting everyone and we got to make a lot of new contacts.
What do you enjoy about working at Kuflink?
Tom: It’s fun to be involved in an ambitious company that is always looking forward.
Liv: There’s lots of support here to further your career – I started elsewhere in the company and moved over to marketing nearly two years ago.
Annie: Kuflink is a really fun place to work, but aside from that, I have learnt so much about finance and property which has been genuinely interesting and useful.
Henry: I only joined last month so I’m still settling in, but everyone’s been friendly and supportive.
Dave: The team are really open to ideas, so I get to play around with designs and concepts as much as I want to.
Ritish: It’s rewarding to help the team see what’s working and optimize our campaigns- and the hot chocolate from the coffee machine is amazing!