Kuflink’s New features for April 2021. Stand Up with CTO
Quote for April 2021
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Bit of fun for April 2021
We have uploaded a video showing some great information in regards “UK Regions Average House Prices – Jan 2021”. We will be uploading more UK charts to our New Insight Section.
What’s New or On it’s way on the Kuflink Platform & Kuflink Mobile APP for April 2021
1) A new search feature on Live deals in Select Invest – This is now LIVE;
2) All loan tranches and Tiers to show other Tranched and Tiered loans under each related Select Invest Loan. This is live on a few loans. General release across all Tranched and Tiered loans coming out in the next few weeks;
3) We are working on showing updated Images and information of our Development Loans – development has started – release date in the next few weeks;
4) We have started works on providing an IF-ISA wrapper around some of our Select Invest Deals. Code has been released on the platform and is going through final testing. Release will be any day now;
5) Pool to show ribbons which indicate which loans are in default or performing – development started;
6) IF-ISA Transfer IN Sign up process to be digitised is now ready for end to end development and release in the next few weeks;
7) Connect to our Open Banking App, which then means we do not require an uploaded bank statement, and gives the ability to make bank transfers in real time – development has started;
8) A New segregated IF-ISA wallet, and SIPP wallet (which also comes with surprise features) – development has started – release in the next few weeks; and
9) Proprietary loan management system is being enhanced to allow an ever increasing demand from brokers and clients through to the post-lockdown period. We are making the system to allow them to upload enquiries seamlessly and get faster decision in principles. As well as having experienced underwriters and credit committees, this new technology will support them with integrations from a number of technological underwriting resources to speed up the process to ensure we meet broker and borrower demands – development has started; and
10) Much more coming.
CTO thoughts for April 2021
A new ISA year started on 6th April 2021. This now allows another £20,000 investment opportunity between 6th April 2021 to 5th April 2022. Also, this year will see a new product coming online – Select Invest IF-ISA.
We have seen a tremendous up take in all our products, especially the Pool, this year. We have seen numerous records being broken in all our departments, and product ranges. We have been quick to learn and adapt to unique economic pressures and are now seeing the results. We are grateful and humble in ensuring the platform fulfils your requirements and goes beyond your expectations.
*Capital is at risk and Kuflink is not protected by the FSCS. Past returns should not be used as a guide to future performance. Securing investments against UK property does not guarantee that your investments will be repaid and returns may be delayed. Tax rules apply to IF-ISAs and SIPPs and may be subject to change. Kuflink does not offer any financial or tax advice in relation to the investment opportunities that it promotes.